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Ste Kat' Holy Apéritif

3 octobre 2018

BBP & the St. Catherine's Church relaunch on the church's square, this upcoming Wednesday October, 3rd, their new generation abbey beer, the "Ste Kat’". Not the most probable association, right? Father Jérémie knocked at our door a year ago & if we were a bit hesitant at first, his enthusiasm became contagious fast enough! We feel he brings a great energy to the neighborhood & we were certainly interested in the challenge of refreshing the abbey beer! We are glad to make this collab for the second year in a row ! Come this Wednesday October, 3rd at the Church front court and get Père Jérémie to pour you a fresh "Ste Kat'"! We'll have DJ Lee bringing some more swag to this Apéritif.


Date :
3 octobre 2018
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Eglise Sainte-Catherine
50 Place Sainte-Catherine
Bruxelles, 1000 Belgique
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