Toute la journée

Swedish TTO Party - Omnipollo, Stigbergets & more

Brasserie Surréaliste Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 22-23, Bruxelles

Hello Dreamers! After a quick holiday break, we just re-opened last week and your massive presence meant a lot to us. We exist thanks to you and your fidelity makes us smile each time! This week-end starting Thursday 19th January we'll hand over our taps to Swedish friends with an amazing tap list including big big monster beers! *** TAP LIST *** STIGBERGETS (SW) > Midnight Special - Pistachio Vanilla Imperial Pastry Stout 13,5% > Collab Track Rivers – New England DIPA 8,5% OMNIPOLLO (SW) > Argus Chocolate Hazelnut Toast Spread Stout 11% BEERBLIOTEK (SW) > Stop Repeating Yourself - […]

Tilquin Fruit Extravaganza

Le comptoir miorge mihoublon 84 avenue du 10ème de ligne, Arlon

Depuis quelques années Pierre Tilquin expérimente différents lambic fruités uniquement disponibles en fûts et proposés uniquement dans certains bar soigneusement sélectionnés par ses soins. Une occasion unique de gouter ses créations pratiquement introuvables en Wallonie et dans la grande région.


Hops 'N More Parijsstraat 27, Leuven

To celebrate the very first event as the official Pohjala Ambassador in Leuven, we are hosting the 2023 edition of Baltic Porter Day! For 2023's Baltic Porter Day Pohjala has taken the same awesome base beer as is in 2022 but spiced it up with Chicory root coffee. There’s also a simply incredible limited edition BA version of last year's Baltic Porter Day, aged in Marsala and Liqueur d'Expedition barrels. We will have some more Pohjala beers available in cans & bottles and there will be some merch for all you Pohjala fans in Leuven and beyond!