Toute la journée

La Sambre X Malt Attacks "False Negative" Release

Malt Attacks 18 avenue Jean Volders, Bruxelles

Back in August 2020, a strange gathering of brewers and chouechers was held in the "La Sambre" brewery. On that hot and thirsty day, a behemoth of a beer was conjured from the guts of the brewery's metal vessels... Nobody knew when it would be ready to see the day or how strong it would finally be when it finally would... A year has passed, and the beast is finally ready to be released. Beware though, this monster of an Imperial Stout reached an impressive 13,5% ABV while it was resting in the darkness of the tower of Spy, and […]

Bottle Share Afternoon & Evening

As part of the Belgium Beer Week, we are organizing another bottle share event. Edition 2.0! The concept is simple. Come to the shop, bring one beer you want to share (from your favorite brewery, homebrew,... ), take a seat and have a good time. We are also bringing some fun beers to share: 1. Central Waters - Anniversary Twenty Three Brandy BA - 4.46 2. Side Project - Merci - 4.42 3. Antidoot - Vita Brevis MAGNUM - 4.22 4. Struise - Black Damnation V Double Black 2015 - 4.42 AND MORE

Jeu de chasse au trésor – Jeu de piste bière (Bruxelles)

Une activité super sympa à faire entre ami, en famille, pour un EVJF/EVG ou en couple! Muni de votre carnet, vous allez devoir parcourir les petites rues de Bruxelles et remporter plusieurs défis : challenge photo, mot croisé… mais surtout des dégustations de bières à l'aveugle ! Notre animateur vous explique le début du jeu et vous retrouvez dans le dernier lieu de votre parcours pour vous donner toutes les réponses et déterminer le grand vainqueur du jeu ! Réservation et information :