Swedish TTO Party - Omnipollo, Stigbergets & more
Brasserie Surréaliste Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 22-23, Bruxelles, BelgiqueHello Dreamers! After a quick holiday break, we just re-opened last week and your massive presence meant a lot to us. We exist thanks to you and your fidelity makes us smile each time! This week-end starting Thursday 19th January we'll hand over our taps to Swedish friends with an amazing tap list including big big monster beers! *** TAP LIST *** STIGBERGETS (SW) > Midnight Special - Pistachio Vanilla Imperial Pastry Stout 13,5% > Collab Track Rivers – New England DIPA 8,5% OMNIPOLLO (SW) > Argus Chocolate Hazelnut Toast Spread Stout 11% BEERBLIOTEK (SW) > Stop Repeating Yourself - […]