Latvian Craft Beer Weekend - 17 beers on tap

Latvia is not only about forests and choirs but also about craft beer! For the first time in Belgium, we will host a Latvian Craft Beer Weekend on Friday 9 Nov and Saturday 10 Nov, with 17 different beers on tap coming from the best of the best of the local scene: Alus darbnīca Labietis, Ziemeļu Enkurs alus darītava and Malduguns! There will be food provided as well and we are preparing a Latvian playlist for you.

Austrian Wild Fermentation Night with Alefried

We will be hosting Alefried on Dec 8 for a night full of Austrian mixed and wild fermentations. We've discovered the brewery at one of the most selective sour beer festivals, the Carnivale Brettanomyces in Amsterdam. While we had never heard about them before, we fell in love with their products and felt we absolutely needed to have them over in Brussels. That day has finally come! Alfried Borkenstein will be travelling from Austria to introduce his beers and his work. There will be 7 beers on tap and some bottles for takeaway. Alefried Tap List: 1) Wild Zirbe 2018 […]

The French Xmas Beer Party

A l'approche des fêtes, la foule de français résidant à Saint-Gilles se languit de rentrer chez elle et de retrouver ses proches. On s'est dit que c'était l'occasion pour nous de souhaiter un bon retour à ceux qui passent les fêtes chez eux, et de donner un peu de réconfort à ceux qui n'ont pas la chance de retourner en France. Vous vous en doutez, ça se fera autour de quelques (beaucoup) de bonnes bières. Car l'hexagone abrite une scène brassicole qui fait de plus en plus parler d'elle à l'international. On vous donne rendez-vous les jeudi 20 et vendredi 21 […]

Tap Takeover "de rentrée": Northern Monk

2018 is now over, and we would like to thank everyone who visited us, had a beer with us, or helped us in any way possible. Let's say it again : thank you from the bottom of our heart. 2019 promises to be a really exciting year for us, with new beers, new breweries, new kinds of events, and some real changes in the bar. We will do our best to improve the bar and to please you. We really hope to see you soon ! For the first tap take over of the year, monks are coming from the […]

Scottish Craft Event: Beer, Whisky & Haggis

We had an incredible time last year, so we decided to have an other shot : the 25th and 26th of January, Scotland will be put under the spotlight again. And this year, we are going to step up our game. On top of the best brews coming from Tempest (including their iconic Soma IPA on cask!), you will have the opportunity to taste more than 20 different scotch whiskies, and also The Haggis. There are some things you need to try once in your life and haggis is part of it. And don't worry if you're veggie or vegan, […]

Lithuanian Craft Beer Weekend: 20 beers on tap

Join us for the Lithuanian Craft Beer Weekend 2019! Last year edition was a huge success and we decided to give it another go this year! Due to the huge success of the last edition, we plan an earlier opening on Saturday this year. Four of the best lithuanian breweries will join us for the weekend: Dundulis, Kuro Aparatūra, Bravoras "Apynys" and Sakiškės Brewery. The brewers will travel from the Baltics to share a beer and have a chat with you.

Brewers' Talk: From Lithuanian Brewing Tradition to Modern Craft

During our Lithuanian Craft Beer Weekend: 20 beers on tap!, we've invited the brewers to have a talk on the Saturday afternoon with the public. Lithuania is a country with a long tradition of beer like Belgium, Czech or Germany. It was dominated for long by small farmhouse breweries, a pattern you observe in the Baltics and in Scandinavia. Some very unique styles were produced (and are still produced nowadays) in the country such as Kaimiskas or Keptinis. Recently, a modern craft beer scene (using new world hops and brewing recently developped styles) emerged in the country. We suggested the […]

Cloudwater Tap Takeover: 12 beers on tap

Cloudwater is one of the best brewery in the world, all beer fans would agree here. We'll get 12 of their seasonal brews on tap on Friday 22! When we met with them in Manchester in May 2015, two months after their launch, they explained us that they wanted to brew seasonal beers without a core range and put a new artist in the spotlight every time. They would bring all types of beers and change every three months. In the meantime, their hoppy beers became an absolute hit in Europe, which made it pretty difficult for them to follow […]

Make it Black: Van Moll Edition

We will host a night full of dark beers on March 1 with Van Moll. They have a brewpub in Eindhoven and are big stout and black beer fans. In these conditions, we HAD to do something together ;) We have been asked numerous times to organize a new black beer and chocolate night, so here it is :) For this tap takeover, we decided to pair every dark beer Van Moll brings with a praline. Freek, our Van Moll maestro, will travel all the way from the Netherlands to share the night with us (and i suspect eat all […]